Podcast 12: Trudie’s success after 27-years of yo-yo dieting

In Podcast 12, we’re featuring our first dieter from New Zealand, Trudie McCallum. Trudie had spent almost three decades following a variety of diets, losing and regaining up to 100 kg and also spending up to NZ$1000 (around £500) ‘just to get weighed.’ Then in 2013 she discovered 5:2, lost 13kg (28 pounds) and is loving the freedom it’s given her and her husband Kenny, who has also lost 10 kg.


In Podcast 12, we’re featuring our first dieter from New Zealand, Trudie McCallum. Trudie had spent almost three decades following a variety of diets, losing and regaining up to 100 kg and also spending up to NZ$1000 (around £500) ‘just to get weighed.’ Then in 2013 she discovered 5:2, lost 13kg (28 pounds) and is loving the freedom it’s given her and her husband Kenny, who has also lost 10 kg.Trudie talks to Kate Harrison about the careful planning that allows her to eat three small meals on a fast day, the improvements she’s seen in her confidence and blood pressure readings, and how she’s spreading the word to others about intermittent fasting. Oh, and the joy of toast with Vegemite on a non-fasting day... 53-year-old Trudie, who works in retail for The Body Shop, is also a big fan of the 5:2 Facebook group, where people all over the world are sharing their successes.Listen below or subscribe on iTunes - and download free samples from Kate's books on Amazon.

Podcast shownotes

The Facebook group that Trudie finds invaluable is free to join, and the posts you make are not public - join us!Trudie also goes into a lot more detail about her journey in 5:2 Good Food Kitchen, Kate's latest cookbook.

5:2 Summer-ready

And now I’ve got news of an exciting new summer special podcast that’s coming very soon. It goes with my new ebook, 5:2 Summer-Ready, which is a collection of some of my favourite recipes and tips from my four 5:2 books, plus lots of new tips and hints.The summer special features a great meditation to relax and inspire you plus tips on how to boost your fasting results ready for holidays, my take on the whole beach ready body controversy and lots of ways to make the most of fasting all year round.Just subscribe to the podcast via iTunes or my site to be sure you’ll get it as soon as it’s available.

Important Note:

This podcast is for information only and is not intended as medical advice, or as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. There are some people who shouldn’t follow this diet: children and teenagers, and pregnant or breast-feeding women. If you take medication have a pre-existing medical condition, including Type 2 diabetes, you should talk to your doctor before making any dietary changes. In addition, anyone with a history of eating disorders should definitely not undertake this without talking to their doctor or specialist.