The House Share is out now!

The House Share is out – and it’s quite weird being published during a global lockdown. Usually I’d be heading doing a reading at my local Waterstones, and definitely meeting friends for a drink to celebrate. Of course, that’s not possible right now…

When you’re sharing a house with seven murder suspects, you can’t lock the danger out . . .

There have been some lovely reviews so far – read the Heat review above while Red magazine called it ‘Black Mirror in book form!’

Also, Susan from Airdrie who won an advance copy in my draw in March said: ‘What a page turner … loved it.’

3 quick ways to make an author happy in lockdown

  1. Please consider buying a copy of The House Share or ordering from your library online. You can buy it right now from Amazon OR buy from Waterstones, or the Book Depository outside the UK – it’s also in ACTUAL branches of Asda.

  2. If you like it, a review on Goodreads or Amazon would make my day!

  3. Or tell your friends… online word of mouth is essential these days.

Whatever you can do, I’d be very grateful. Thank you!
