5 2 Diet Podcast Episode 1 online now!

Episode 1: what 5:2 is – and what it can do for you? In this first podcast, Kate Harrison from the5-2dietbook.com introduces 5:2 – what it is, why it’s so easy to get started, and an overview of why intermittent fasting can help you lose weight for good and improve your health.


I'm very excited to announce the first 5:2 Diet Podcast - it's 20 minutes long and shares my story and answers all the basic questions about 5:2 - what it is, how it works, why it's so successful. You can listen from the website, or right-click to download the podcast and listen at your leisure! It's also available via iTunes where you can subscribe so new episodes are downloaded automatically.

Podcast 1: what is 5:2, and what's in it for me?

In this first podcast, Kate introduces 5:2 – what it is, why it’s so easy to get started, what it can do for you. Plus Kate reads from her 5:2 Diary, started in 2012 when she weighed 31 pounds more than she does today!
