
Podcast 3: Your Fast Day Survival Kit

Episode 3: Your Fast Day Survival Guide Are you trying to get through your first fast day, or do you need a boost on your fasting journey?


Episode 3: Your Fast Day Survival Kit is now available!Are you trying  through your first fast day, or do you need a boost on your fasting journey? This episode will get you through – thanks to Kate's top 5 tips, a list of reasons why this approach works so well, plus the honest diary of her own first fast day.

PS: if you're more of a visual person, this YouTube video covers the same topic!

As she celebrates her 150th Fast Day, Kate Harrison gives her Top 5 Tips for your first Fast Days... one to watch if you're starting 5:2 or intermittent fast...

Podcast notes:

Kate’s top 5 fast day tips:

Remember, there are some people who shouldn’t follow this diet: children and teenagers, and pregnant or breast-feeding women. If you take medication have a pre-existing medical condition, including Type 2 diabetes, you should talk to your doctor before making any dietary changes. In addition, anyone with a history of eating disorders should definitely not undertake this without talking to their doctor or specialist.But if you have the all clear to fast,  here are my 5 top tips…

Fast Day Tip 1: Make a Plan

Work out what you’re going to eat on your fast day – and stick to it. Soups and salads are a great way to start, whether you make them yourself or buy ready-made.  Also decide when to eat – many people find it helpful to postpone eating as late as possible in the day.Emergency snack – dinner time.

Fast Day Tip 2: Drinking helps!

So long as the drinks are alcohol and calorie free! They’re a great distraction from any hunger pangs. I love strong black coffee – or try herb teas. If you like milk, make sure you count the calories. I also have a big bottle of fizzy water to hand, though everything in meditation.

Fast Day Tip 3: Distract yourself!

Most of us have forgotten how it feels to be a bit hungry, so it feels unsettling. The best way to deal with it is to keep busy. Fast at work - Or at home, take a short walk, phone a friend,  or save up boring jobs like sewing on buttons. I promise you the hunger pangs will pass.Fast Day Tip 4: Join the clubJoining a 5:2 group online is a great source of support. The one I set up with a few friends now has over 35,000 members and there’s always someone there to cheer you on or inspire you with their story.  Join in for free.

Fast Day Tip 5: Remember - tomorrow you can eat what you want…

Thus kept me going – knowing that, unlike every other diet I’d ever tried, with 5:2 I could eat normally the next day. You might worry it may make you binge, but most of us find that the next day, we’re savouring our food too much to overeat. And when nothing is forbidden, the cravings disappear.


Some of the physical effects you may feel during your first fasts include:

  • Headaches These are common with most dietary changes due to dehydration and/or changes to blood sugar. These should settle over time, but drinking plenty of water – or taking your usual painkiller will help.

  • Feeling cold This is common in winter, partly because you aren’t generating heat through digesting food. Try hot drinks and wear extra socks!

  • Irritability You may feel grumpy at first and that’s the lack of blood sugar again. Try to build in another non-food treat to look forward to: a long hot bath, a hand massage, your favourite TV show.

  • Digestive changes You may experience digestive changes as you’re not eating as much. This means you may not need to open your bowels, or you may find that the next day your digestion is slower (or faster) than normal. Most people find that their digestion settles.

If you are feeling really unwell/faint, then have a nutritious snack on standby on those first days, like a handful of nuts/trail mix or a high-protein cereal bar, and take medical advice before trying a second fast.

Motivation and inspiration

Everyone who succeeds with intermittent fasting says the same thing: it feels so different to other diets. I think this is because:

  • 5:2 doesn’t ban any foods, or food types, which means we’re much less likely to get cravings.

  • It’s flexible and empowers you to make our own decisions about when and what to eat.

  • The Fast Days re-educate us about our appetite, the energy in foods and making healthy choices.

  • Commercial interests do not lead 5:2. There are no supplements, paid-for services or branded foods.

  • There’s endless support and help available online.

  • Plus fasting in itself can help the body heal.

Don’t forget, for much more information, sample or buy the books which have inspiring stories, practical tips, lots of background information - and delicious recipes.   

Podcast 2: Planning your fast

Learn the 5 things you MUST do before  your first 5:2 Fast Day – and hear tips from successful fasting writer Kate Harrison – plus instalment 2 of her very honest 5:2 Diet diary, written as Kate embarked on intermittent fasting for the first time in 2012.


In the 5:2 diet book podcast 2…

Learn the 5 things you MUST do before  your first fast day – and hear tips from successful faster Kate Harrison plus instalment 2 of her very honest 5:2 Diet diary as she decides when to fast and how much to eat… the podcast is full of information on setting a goal, deciding how frequently to fast, charting your progress and choosing the perfect day to try the approach for the first time.

 Podcast 2  Notes

Setting your weight loss goals

In the podcast, I talk about setting goals and using BMI (Body Mass Intake) and your waist/height ratio to work out what a healthy weight/size might be for you. You can calculate your BMI on this page of our site (along with your BMR and TDEE, see below).

The waist/height ratio is even simpler: the bigger you around the waist/belly, the higher the likelihood that you’ve accumulated ‘visceral’ fat around the vital organs, which is a risk factor for heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. ‘Pear-shaped’ people with larger hips and thighs tend to be at lower risk than the ‘apple-shaped’ who store more fat around the belly.You’re at greater risk if your waist (measured round your natural waist or mid-way between the bottom of your ribcage and your hipbone) is more than half of your height.

For example, I am 64 inches tall, so my waist measurement should stay under 32 inches. As an indicator, here’s how mine has changed over time: 

  • August 2012: Waist (32 inches)÷Height (64 inches) = 0.5 (so, borderline)

  • January 2013: Waist (29.5) ÷ Height (64) = 0.46

  • December 2014: Waist (27.5) ÷ Height (64) = 0.43

Deciding your Fast Day Limits/Calculating Your Calorie Needs:

Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)  will help you understand what calories your body needs on a normal day to function without putting on, or losing, weight. See the calculator page for much more information. 

Planning your meals: Try one of my recipe books, packed with recipes, case studies and advice!

Finding support:

The 5:2 Facebook group is free to join and great for advice and support - join us!

Don't forget, too, that the podcast and website is for information only and is not intended as medical advice, or as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. There are some people who shouldn’t follow this diet: children and teenagers, and pregnant or breast-feeding women. If you take medication have a pre-existing medical condition, including Type 2 diabetes, you should talk to your doctor before making any dietary changes. In addition, anyone with a history of eating disorders should definitely not undertake this without talking to their doctor or specialist.Finally, never disregard professional medical advice or delay medical treatment because of something you have read here or heard on the podcast!   

5 2 Diet Podcast Episode 1 online now!

Episode 1: what 5:2 is – and what it can do for you? In this first podcast, Kate Harrison from the5-2dietbook.com introduces 5:2 – what it is, why it’s so easy to get started, and an overview of why intermittent fasting can help you lose weight for good and improve your health.


I'm very excited to announce the first 5:2 Diet Podcast - it's 20 minutes long and shares my story and answers all the basic questions about 5:2 - what it is, how it works, why it's so successful. You can listen from the website, or right-click to download the podcast and listen at your leisure! It's also available via iTunes where you can subscribe so new episodes are downloaded automatically.

Podcast 1: what is 5:2, and what's in it for me?

In this first podcast, Kate introduces 5:2 – what it is, why it’s so easy to get started, what it can do for you. Plus Kate reads from her 5:2 Diary, started in 2012 when she weighed 31 pounds more than she does today!
