Podcast 7: an inspiring true story plus weighing-in!

The 5:2 Diet Podcast with Kate Harrison Episode 7: Pippa’s inspiring 5:2  success story plus weigh-in advice We interview inspiring 5:2 dieter Pippa Cotton, who not only lost 4 stone/25kg but also discovered a new passion for fitness thanks to a £5 DVD – and also much improved health.


We interview inspiring 5:2 dieter Pippa Cotton, who not only lost 4 stone/25kg but also discovered a new passion for fitness thanks to a £5 DVD – and she's glowing proof 5:2 works.

She chats to Kate Harrison about her story, her new eating habits, and going from being too unhealthy to exercise, to being active every single day.Kate also shares the latest installment from her diary, and chats through one of the hottest topics in the 5:2 Facebook group - when, and how often, to weigh yourself. And she shares her original diet diary from 2012.

Don't forget you can also subscribe on iTunes - and download free samples from Kate's books on Amazon.

Links from the podcast:The Jillian Michaels DVD Pippa talks about costs £5 and is also available completely free to watch on YouTube (though with some annoying ads!). I’ve tried it and I have to say my knees didn’t like it much, but it’s worked for many of our 5:2 group members.

Pippa’s walking group in Buckinghamshire is here or find a walking group near you in the UK here or Australia here.

Important Note: This podcast is for information only and is not intended as medical advice, or as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. There are some people who shouldn’t follow this diet: children and teenagers, and pregnant or breast-feeding women. If you take medication have a pre-existing medical condition, including Type 2 diabetes, you should talk to your doctor before making any dietary changes. In addition, anyone with a history of eating disorders should definitely not undertake this without talking to their doctor or specialist.